
“What a treat to have your life change so much is awesome. You have so much insight that I am addicted to your podcasts I felt kinda sad when I didn't hear them for so long and just when I needed it most I found you again.”

— Leanne.1966vincent

“I’m so happy that season 2 has begun. I need this in my life!’ Thank you, Kayla for teaching us and giving us the tools to stay balanced, grateful and to manifest our own goals and desires to bring happiness to ourselves.”

— Lilyjwhite

“I absolutely love this podcast. It has changed my life and how I look at things. Being in the agriculture industry your livelihood is a gamble everyday. But after putting the teachings into my life everybody is coming to me wondering how I’m making so many good decisions. Thank you for such a wonderful podcast.”

— Cam2555

This podcast is always so helpful with keeping a positive and intentional mindset. Whenever I listen to it I always end the episode feeling energized and ready to expect all of the great things in life that are coming to me. I also love that Kayla shares practical tips plus one take-away per episode that you can implement in your life. If you want yo learn about a manifesting mindset from someone who is down-to-earth and always interesting, this is your podcast.”

— Mamaeyesnheart

“Loved how ‘hooked into your inner being’ was described. Hit home. Will be listening to their previous episodes.”

— DealShopper

“I am very familiar with the law of attraction and how it can, and does, work amazingly well for us when we do our part! This podcast is thought provoking and a great reminder for me. Also, thank you for sharing your resources! Sending good vibes your way. Good luck to you both and keep up the good work!”

— Zippadee

“I wasn't sure i was interested in this topic but my sister said I should check thus podcast out. I love the good attitude displayed by the hosts-that alone put me in a good mood. Because I wasn't really sure, it took me a little bit to get through the first 5 episodes but then something started to click and now I'm listening every week! I appreciate the candidness, honesty and caring that each subject is approached with and it makes me want to hear more. Definitely a 5 star with episodes I'll return to again and again. I especially like the workbook exercises and that sometimes I can do more than just listen - I can make changes.”

— T.C.

“You Ladies’ interaction and delivery is amazing. The uplifting messages that you deliver are awesome. There’s a lot of smile and positive energy in your messages that I think everyone needs in their life. 5⭐️ podcast".”

— Jt1244

“I finally figured it out!!!!! This is the podcast that will make you laugh, do some soul searching and make you see things differently! I'm totally hooked! Love these ladies.”

— LeanneV

“If you're looking for the simplest of ways to have everything your heart has ever desired, then this is the podcast for you! these two sisters are SO relatable, positive, and exciting to listen to! and what's even better is that through this podcast, you will learn just how easy it is to change your way of thinking and have the universe work for you in amazing ways! So hit that subscribe button, download all the episodes and let the universe open those doors you've always wanted!”

— Dan

“This podcast has truly changed my perspective on life. My third eye has been awakened and I am truly on my path to the great enlightenment. I am becoming entwined with the universes very fabric. Thank you all for showing me the way to my true awakening! Hail and well met young travelers, I am now off to become god!”

— Xx_pandemonium_xX

“Such a good episode! It’s amazing listing what I’m grateful for makes my heart fill with feelings of thankfulness & joy!”

— happyhearteeb

“I am only on episode 4, but just know without a doubt that this podcast will help me transform my world to be exactly what I want it to be!!! Episode 4 has been my favorite so far and I have started but cannot wait to finish my vision board!! You guys are amazing and I am so thankful to be apart of this journey!!!! Also, Transform is my word for this year!! 🐛🦋”

— proud mama 85

“Finally, an approach to the Law of Attraction that is easy to understand. These gals are relatable and listening to them is like having a conversation with old friends. I look forward to each episode and can’t wait to manifest bug things in 2021!”

— utswede

“Great podcast, loved it. 🤙🤙”

— tjballa

“I cannot digest this fast enough! Seriously this is the only podcast I’ve ever binged on. I’ve downloaded the workbook and can’t wait to complete all 10 items! My word for 2021 is FOCUS.”

— Julie Hanks

“This podcast is amazing, I’ve known about the law of attraction for a while bit I’ve never been secure and certain in what I was doing. Thanks to this podcast I have a good idea of what to do, where to start, and a teacher in claiming all the universe has in store for me.”

— umacisne

“I’ve struggled with understanding the law of attract for so long and this podcast really helped me understand in a faster way. Love this podcast!!!”

— gummybussin

“This is an amazing podcast! You guys have such soothing, beautiful voices and I absolutely love listening! Such an amazing and wonderful podcast!”

— Serenitymburns

“Kayla and her sister are so fun to listen to and her reminders will be ones that I implement daily.”

— March Tab

“Kayla is a natural. This is an epic podcast and one everyone should follow!”

— The Dental

“Seriously, I’m obsessed! This is my new favorite podcast! These two sisters have the best ideas and somehow manage to make the Law of Attraction feel fun, fresh and easy! I can’t get enough!”

— Kayla Rain

“This podcast has literally changed my life! I can’t stop saying, ‘Things are always working out for me’ — and I’m honestly starting to see and believe it!”

— Adria Sha